There is an article Surrey parents fight for return of 3 seized children on CBC news website check it out!
Surrey parents fight for return of 3 seized children
Last Updated: Thursday, March 5, 2009 | 9:40 PM PT Comments123Recommend89CBC News
Protesters converge at B.C. Premier Gordon Campbell's Vancouver constituency office on Thursday, urging the return of three children to their parents. (CBC)
More than a dozen people held a peaceful protest outside B.C. Premier Gordon Campbell's Vancouver constituency office Thursday, calling for the return of three children taken from their parents.
The children were seized in September 2007 by the Ministry of Children and Family Development because the Surrey couple were suspected of shaking their baby and causing a head injury.
CBC News is not naming the couple in order to protect the identity of the children — two boys aged four and three, and an 18-month-old baby girl.
"We're being treated as criminals and we did nothing wrong," the mother told CBC News.
The couple said they have been fighting to get back their children, who are now in foster care.
They said their daughter's head was accidentally injured. Their second son "tripped and he landed over her body, and his head landed on her head," the mother said.
This Surrey couple, who CBC decided not to name, say they never hurt their 18-month-old daughter. (CBC)
The baby became very ill and was rushed to hospital by the parents.
They say they took the baby to hospital several more times and saw several doctors over a three-week period before a doctor at BC Children's Hospital concluded someone had shaken her.
That prompted the Ministry of Children and Family Development to take away all three children, even though the RCMP investigated the allegations but decided no charges were warranted.
But social workers with the ministry maintained the parents were unfit to care for their children, referring to the father as a person who has a temper, gets stressed out when the kids cry and may have spanked them.
The dozen protesters said Thursday that parental rights are not protected in the province's child-care system.
"To have people think you are guilty when you treasure your children, that is one of the worst accusations that anybody can say to a parent," the mother said.
The couple consulted more than a dozen experts in Canada and the U.S. — including pediatricians and pathologists — who all concluded there was no evidence of inflicted injury, abuse and injury from shaking on the girl.
B.C. Children Minister Tom Christensen says social workers do not take chances with children's safety. (CBC)
"[My daughter] has absolutely no neck problems whatsoever and the doctors said … if you shook a baby with any force whatsoever you are going to damage the neck," the father said.
Children and Family Development Minister Tom Christensen said Thursday that social workers do not take chances with children's safety.
"There is nothing worse that could happen to somebody as a parent than their children being apprehended," Christensen told CBC News.
"Having said that, I also know that our social workers don't take these steps lightly. It's why they only intervene where there is a concern about a child's safety."
The couple, who now work as night janitors, have begun a legal challenge against the ministry's decision. But they said they likely won't get their day in court until sometime next year, due to delays and backlogs in the court system.
"You are put in a position where you are forced to betray your children's trust," the mother said. "They rely on you for safety and security. We've been forced to betray that."
There is ample evidence suggesting that "child protection" soical workers are given too much statutory power. This opens the "child protection system to abuse and coruption. For example Fabricating evidence to justify child remvoal.
There have been reported cases like this one from CBC news wher the estent of sufferings or remvoved children and their distressed parents have occoured because of flase allegations or here say evidence.
The Child Family and Community Services Act says parents rights do not have priority it is the best interest of the children that has priorty!
In hindsight of that being said the grove inquiry says the functions of the the social worker do not give priority ot children and youths! That report was made in 1995 and inspite of the recomendations which were made in this inquiry nothing has c hanged. This report was a commission of inquiry into the adequacy of the services, polices and practices of the Minsitry of Social Services as the relate to the apprent neglect and abuse and death of Mattew John Vaudreuil.
This report was by the Honourable Judge Thomas J. gove
Friday, March 20, 2009
Keep fighting there is hope!
The problem is many soical workers may abuse thier power, and if a social worker allegs a parent is unfit, and the allegations were false no where dose the Act Protect Parents rghts, and that is wrong! The problems parents face are that if the social worker made false a false allegation most of the time social workers aren't liable! There is ample evidence suggesting that "child protection" social workers are given too much statutory power. This opens the "child protection" system to abuse and corruption.
A soical worker can apprehend any child and with out reasons why and without a court order. The reson given may not even be true and thus children suffer undue irreparable mental harm from the enforced removal from their parents. Parents are under duress, wait up to 2 years to get a presentation hearing, and mabye when the child is in the care of the MCFd. Parents might get to see the child once a week. I dont belive this is in the child's best interest! I belive the Social workers have to much power and as a result families are suffering. The Child Family Community Services Act dose not protect parents rights!
There are ample, cases of parents where they only get to see their child or children once a week for like 2 hours, (sic) who see their children in a government office, which is very much like seeing your child in a prison! The office
where your see your child is morbid and not with adquate provisons for your chilren.
There is not proper heating where the supervised visit takes place. You get no quality time with your child, or children and usually if you do have children you see them seperately. When any child is taken to visits the person driving is different each time who knows if a child is safe with that driver. What happens if the person who is driving any gets in a car acciedent what then?
State intervention in family affairs should be avoided, except in extreme circumstances. Should interventions become necessary, they must be least intrusive and serve the best interests of both children and their parents." reference {Papa}
So many cases of where a parent has to suffer abuse by the Ministry for Children and Families who say the child is at risk in their care and it the best interest of the child when the parents where wrongfully deprived of their children. For example
the socidal worker has fabircated some evidence like what happened to reathe Surrey Parents fighting back for their 3 seized children, who were wronfully accused of shaking their baby, then if that isn't enough for them to suffer they get to see their children once a week 4 hours pretty much and possibly seperate visiets. Their children have to suffer great pyscological harm their fate may be that they are put
in questionable foster homes, home after home after home, and placed in seperate foster homes and go through this undue trama which was inflicted upon them by the MCFD. When your child or children are apprehneded and there were false allegations
made against you there is not much parents can do and excuse my french that is just bullshit, but never the less it is their reality>
What makes me angry is that the courts take the side of the MCFD even if the allegations made against the paents where hear say or false. I can't belive that the
courts would even frig accept here say evidence since the court has the best interest
of the child sic More over I can't belive that the cour wouldn't further investgate the claims of abuse or neglect the problem is if the information isn't avialble children will be apprehended until it becomes avialble. I support Intervention if there are serious concerns but the problem is sense social workers have to much power they abuse that power and those concerns may not be creddiable.
Any one like your ex mother in law can report a call to the MCFD and accusse you of being unfit parent out of spite what happens then? I wonder if any body ever you know what thinks about the children before they go and state what ever to the MCFD
Dosent any one think about the precicous children before anything else? As for social workers I wonder if they really think about the children, I don't think so, because if preservation of families ties is possible, the MCFD would anything
to provided community services which that famiy needs, and do what ever is necessary
to keep that family together!
Lisa Arlin
A soical worker can apprehend any child and with out reasons why and without a court order. The reson given may not even be true and thus children suffer undue irreparable mental harm from the enforced removal from their parents. Parents are under duress, wait up to 2 years to get a presentation hearing, and mabye when the child is in the care of the MCFd. Parents might get to see the child once a week. I dont belive this is in the child's best interest! I belive the Social workers have to much power and as a result families are suffering. The Child Family Community Services Act dose not protect parents rights!
There are ample, cases of parents where they only get to see their child or children once a week for like 2 hours, (sic) who see their children in a government office, which is very much like seeing your child in a prison! The office
where your see your child is morbid and not with adquate provisons for your chilren.
There is not proper heating where the supervised visit takes place. You get no quality time with your child, or children and usually if you do have children you see them seperately. When any child is taken to visits the person driving is different each time who knows if a child is safe with that driver. What happens if the person who is driving any gets in a car acciedent what then?
State intervention in family affairs should be avoided, except in extreme circumstances. Should interventions become necessary, they must be least intrusive and serve the best interests of both children and their parents." reference {Papa}
So many cases of where a parent has to suffer abuse by the Ministry for Children and Families who say the child is at risk in their care and it the best interest of the child when the parents where wrongfully deprived of their children. For example
the socidal worker has fabircated some evidence like what happened to reathe Surrey Parents fighting back for their 3 seized children, who were wronfully accused of shaking their baby, then if that isn't enough for them to suffer they get to see their children once a week 4 hours pretty much and possibly seperate visiets. Their children have to suffer great pyscological harm their fate may be that they are put
in questionable foster homes, home after home after home, and placed in seperate foster homes and go through this undue trama which was inflicted upon them by the MCFD. When your child or children are apprehneded and there were false allegations
made against you there is not much parents can do and excuse my french that is just bullshit, but never the less it is their reality>
What makes me angry is that the courts take the side of the MCFD even if the allegations made against the paents where hear say or false. I can't belive that the
courts would even frig accept here say evidence since the court has the best interest
of the child sic More over I can't belive that the cour wouldn't further investgate the claims of abuse or neglect the problem is if the information isn't avialble children will be apprehended until it becomes avialble. I support Intervention if there are serious concerns but the problem is sense social workers have to much power they abuse that power and those concerns may not be creddiable.
Any one like your ex mother in law can report a call to the MCFD and accusse you of being unfit parent out of spite what happens then? I wonder if any body ever you know what thinks about the children before they go and state what ever to the MCFD
Dosent any one think about the precicous children before anything else? As for social workers I wonder if they really think about the children, I don't think so, because if preservation of families ties is possible, the MCFD would anything
to provided community services which that famiy needs, and do what ever is necessary
to keep that family together!
Lisa Arlin
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
The following is offical handsard debate from the Legislative Asembly
select standing committee on children and youth Wednesday, November 26, 2008 Issue No. 17ISSN 1911-1940
"We are also working actively with our partners across Canada in terms of what other jurisdictions and academic institutions are doing, the research that should and could be informing our current practice. We are both solidifying the longstanding relationships that we already have in this area and then also developing frameworks to increase the amount of information, data and learning that we can pull from these institutions.
We are an active member of the federal-provincial-territorial table of directors of child welfare. On that table, of course, there is a very shared interest area of children in care and outcomes. As part of that work I co-chair an internal committee for that group, where we are sharing experiences across jurisdictions and having a look at how we can learn from one another in improving these services.
Work underway specific to recommendations 4 through 9 in From Loss to Learning. Consistent with our Strong, Safe and Supported operational plan, we're reviewing all of our reporting and monitoring activities. Some of the examples underway.
We are now posting executive summaries of all case reviews, and they are being posted twice a year. Case practice audit reports are being posted on a regular basis on the ministry Internet. The most recent reports occurred in September, and we have more reports that are being summarized and getting ready to be posted now. recommendations. We're doing analysis of recommendations for trends that assist us in better understanding some of the systemic barriers and some of the systemic strengths that we can build on to continue to improve services. The integrated case review framework was developed where….
We are really looking at bringing together all of the people involved in a child's life when there are challenges and issues, and we are looking to break down the silos of individual practitioners working with the children."There is a need provincially for us to take a look at our current policy""We are also looking at the standards related to case reviews. In fact, we're doing an overall standards review to determine if we have standards that really support us in the direction of strengths-based development and what we need to do to adjust and move forward to have standards that are both fundamentally supporting and directing the work of practitioners and programs that are really building on the strengths, that are developmental in their approach and that are improving outcomes demonstrably for the children, youth and family served."
select standing committee on children and youth Wednesday, November 26, 2008 Issue No. 17ISSN 1911-1940
"We are also working actively with our partners across Canada in terms of what other jurisdictions and academic institutions are doing, the research that should and could be informing our current practice. We are both solidifying the longstanding relationships that we already have in this area and then also developing frameworks to increase the amount of information, data and learning that we can pull from these institutions.
We are an active member of the federal-provincial-territorial table of directors of child welfare. On that table, of course, there is a very shared interest area of children in care and outcomes. As part of that work I co-chair an internal committee for that group, where we are sharing experiences across jurisdictions and having a look at how we can learn from one another in improving these services.
Work underway specific to recommendations 4 through 9 in From Loss to Learning. Consistent with our Strong, Safe and Supported operational plan, we're reviewing all of our reporting and monitoring activities. Some of the examples underway.
We are now posting executive summaries of all case reviews, and they are being posted twice a year. Case practice audit reports are being posted on a regular basis on the ministry Internet. The most recent reports occurred in September, and we have more reports that are being summarized and getting ready to be posted now. recommendations. We're doing analysis of recommendations for trends that assist us in better understanding some of the systemic barriers and some of the systemic strengths that we can build on to continue to improve services. The integrated case review framework was developed where….
We are really looking at bringing together all of the people involved in a child's life when there are challenges and issues, and we are looking to break down the silos of individual practitioners working with the children."There is a need provincially for us to take a look at our current policy""We are also looking at the standards related to case reviews. In fact, we're doing an overall standards review to determine if we have standards that really support us in the direction of strengths-based development and what we need to do to adjust and move forward to have standards that are both fundamentally supporting and directing the work of practitioners and programs that are really building on the strengths, that are developmental in their approach and that are improving outcomes demonstrably for the children, youth and family served."
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- Parents against the Minsitry
- I have been fighting for my 3 children from 1997 until 2007, so I can relate to parents who are fighting against the Ministry for Children and Families! I have such personal knowlege of the "child proctection" system in British Columbia! I was forced to represent my self at Supreme Court and took my case to the court of appeal! I keep fighting and I won't back down because I love my children they keep me going they are my inspiration and so fighting for parents! I belive that the system needs to hange, as dose the law because parents rights aren't being protected! I belive that if we work to gether we can we will have justice!